七年级上册英语阅读理解专项训练1Mars(火星)is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System.Is there life on Mars? Nobody knows. We are sure that people cannot live on Mars so far. We need oxygen to live. But there is
Mars(火星)is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System.Is there life on Mars? Nobody knows. We are sure that people cannot live on Mars so far. We need oxygen to live. But there is almost no oxygen on Mars.Living
美国宇航局的好奇号探测器近日拍到了一张有趣的照片,照片上是一块状似花朵和珊瑚的小石头。美国宇航局指出,这朵“花”可能是水中矿物凝结而成的。Credit: NASADuring its ongoing investigation of Martian rocks in Gale Crater, the
《剑桥词典》日前宣布,2021年度词汇是perseverance(毅力)。该词的当选得益于美国宇航局的火星探测器“毅力号”。《剑桥词典》的编辑认为,该词也反映出过去一年来人们面对新冠疫情和气候危机带来的挑战所展示出的耐力。Wheel tread ma
Scientists have said that humans could live on Mars only if fungi found inside the Chernobyl nuclear reactor is used to protect against radiation.科学家称,只有利用在切尔诺贝利核反应堆中发现的真菌来防辐射,人类才能在火星
The first of three international missions to Mars gets underway Tuesday when a Japanese H-2A rocket boosts a United Arab Emirates spacecraft known as Hope into space for a seven-month voyage to the red planet. It will be
Traveling to Mars brings to mind plenty of important questions: What kind of spaceship will make the arduous journey? Can human life really be sustained? And what kind of shelving will Martian settlers have in their kitc
NASA的洞察号(InSight)探测器今天(11月26日)在火星表面安全着陆,立即将第一张照片传回地球。NASAs Mars InSight Lander touched down on the Martian surface Monday and wasted no time in getting the first picture back to Earth.
美国航天局表示,由于预算有限,还需要大约25年时间才能将人类送上火星。Dont pack the Tang just yet.还不能打包太空饮料。Martian wannabes will have to wait a little bit longer before landing on the enigmatic red planet, accor
雪在我们印象中一直是洁白无瑕的,但是近日东欧多个地区却惊现橙色雪,这场可怕的橙色暴风雪将大片雪白的山脉变成了赤褐色,火星般的场景让人怀疑是末日降临。那么这种诡异的颜色是如何形成的?来看看气象学家怎么说。A recent fall of r
火星上真的曾有生命存在么?UFO猎人们发现了一些图片似乎可以支持此观点According to ufologists and UFO hunters around the globe, another monumental discovery has been made on the surface of the red planet. Recent images take
导读:如果我们想要在火星上生活的话,我们就无法避免种植水稻和蔬菜的问题。那么,作为传统意义上可解决温饱问题的土豆能够在太空生长吗?一起来看看科学家们给出的解释!In the Hollywood science fiction movie The Martian, the astro
导读:美国总统奥巴马近日在CNN网站发布文章称,美国政府将在本世纪30年代到来之前将人类送上火星并安全返回。(CNN)President Barack Obama has his eyes on the stars -- or more accurately -- a planet.(CNN)美国总统奥巴马一直关注
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